
Role models and idols

Human beings are similar to each other but each of us has unique perssonality Our personality is influenced by families school friends sportsmen family = the first role models, our parents teach us to be polite, to greet, to respect people = for young children – their paretns are their role models = for teenagers – parents are not […]

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Hobbies and Leisure activities – vocabulary

entertainment – zábava SPORT ACTIVITIES playing ball games hiking (turistika) cycling, rowing (člnkovanie) jogging, swimming roller- skating (korčuľovanie na kolieskových korčuliach) skating (korčuľovanie na ľade) skate – boarding wind-surfing, wave-gliding (plachtenie) skiing, sledging (sánkovanie, sledge = sánky) camping. gathering mushrooms (zbieranie húb) LEISURE TIME ACTIVITIES playing a musical instrument playing cards/chess folk dancing modern dancing collecting (stamps, […]

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Human being and society – vocabulary

have a good relationship = get on well with sb = get along with sb = be on good terms with sb – mať s niekým dobrý vzťah honest – čestný, poctivý honesty – čestnosť, poctivosť reliable – spoľahlivý reliability – spoľahlivosť generosity – štedrosť generous – štedrý responsible – zodpovedný deceitful – nepoctivý, nečestný responsibility – zodpovednosť meanness – lakomosť envy – závidieť mean – lakomý envious – závistlivý jealousy – […]

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Employment – vocabulary

employee – zamestnanec employer – zamestnávateľ manual work mental work full-time job part-time job temporary job – brigáda profession – profesia well-paid job – dobre platená práca to be in charge of – mať na starosť be responsible for – byť zodpovedný za concentrate on – sústrediť sa na niečo busy – zaneprázdnený earn one‘s living as a …..- zarábať si na deadline – uzávierka fill […]

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Describe employment application, resume, job interview. A choice of occupation – a difficult decision it changes during the life time (in childhood girls usually want to be singers, actresses, teachers etc, boys want to be austronauts, firemen, soldiers etc.) a final decision has to be made during the secondary school motivation for the selection- influence of parents, relatives, Friends […]

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Family – vocabulary

mother(mum) father (dad/ daddy) grandfather (grandpa) grandmother(gran­dma) grandson = vnuk grandaughter = vnučka uncle aunt brother sister husband wife son-in–law = zať daughter-in-law = nevesta mother-in-law = svokra father-in-law = svokor sister-in-law = švagriná brother-in-law = švagor spouse – manžel, manželka siblings – súrodenci niece – neter nephew- synovec cousin – bratanec, sesternica single-parent – slobodný rodič step-mother step- father – […]

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THE NUCLEAR FAMILY basicaly consists of two generations of family members living in the same household (parents and children) EXTENDED FAMILY consists of three or more generations living in the same household (grandparetns, parents and children) Single-parent family: onvolve a single person plus dependent children(a mother plus a child) Reconstructed family: is usually nuclear in form […]

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Human being and nature – vocabulary

VOCABULARY pollution – znečistenie damage – poškodiť harm – ublížiť harmful – škodlivý destroy – zničiť global warming – globálne otepľovanie greenhouse effect – skleníkový efekt ozone layer – ozónová vrsva ozone hole – ozónová diera ozone-friendly – neškodné pre ozón acid rain – kyslý dážď flood – záplava destruction of rainforest – zničenie pralesa conservation – ochrana prírody conservationist – ochrance prírody extinction – vyhynutie extinct (druhy)– vyhynuté species endangered […]

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Massmedia – vocabulary

the press – tlač magazines – časopisy NEWSPAPERS quality newspaper tabloids – bulvár article – článok weekly (magazine) – týždeník monthly (magazine) – mesačník newsagent’s -trafika paper boy/paper girl – kolportéri freedom of press – sloboda tlače censorship – cenzúra broadcast – vysielať TV TV – televízia telly (informal) –telka TV channel – televízny PROGRAM programmes: show talk show cartoon drama soap opera (telenovela) sitcom (situation comedy = […]

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Communication and its forms – vocabulary

VOCABULARY language – jazyk grammar – gramatika vocabulary – slovná zásoba pronunciation – výslovnosť mother tongue – rodná reč foreign language – cudzí jazyk colloquial language – hovorový jazyk slang – slang jargon – džargón dialect – dialekt, nárečie accent – prízvuk native speaker – hovoriaci rodným jazykom bilingual speaker – hovoriaci dvomi jazykmi spoken and written English fluent – plynulý fluently – plynulo fluency – plynulosť signs – značky signals / […]

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