
Housing and dwelling

living in a flat advantages local council takes care of maintenance less household cheaper than houses usually not far from the city centre disadvantages not enough space not garden for children, growing plants noisy neighbours living in a house advantages a lot of space garden you can grow vegetable (healthy food) you can raise animals […]

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Health care – vocabulary

avoid – vyhýbať sa, vyvarovať sa be a fitness fanatic couch potato – “domased” cut down on (e.g.sweets) – zredukovať konzumáciu (napr. sladkostí) follow a sensible diet – držať rozumnú diétu give up – vzdať sa (čoho) loose weight – schudnúť fatty food, fast food, junk food, takeaways put on weight – pribrať take up (sport / exercise) – začať (športovať/cvičiť) work out – […]

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Health care

BE HEALTHY Medicine = any science or practice concered with sickness and health. A doctor – a person who has been trained in medical science. In Britain GP (General Practitioner) = local doctor Physician = a doctor specializing in medical area other than surgery TYPES OF MEDICINE classical (conventional) – treatment with painkillers, drugs (but side effect – […]

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The Slovak Republic – new state which came into existence on 1st January 1993 when former Czechoslovakia was divided into two sovereign states: the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. LOCATION Slovakia is situated in the heart of Europe, in the centre of Europe (the geographical centre of Europe is on a hill Krahule, near Kremnica). Slovakia […]

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the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. the largest city and the seat of central government, the residence of monarch, the representatives of the Church of England, government representatives. the centre of cultural, political and social activities. Population: about 9 million inhabitants HISTORY History: It was founded by the Roman emperor […]

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Travelling – vocabulary

means of transport: aeroplane, bicycle, boat, bus, car, coach, double-decker bus, ferry (trajekt), liner (dopravná loď), lorry (AmE truck), van, motorbike, taxi, train, underground ( – BrE –tube, AmE – subway), yacht travel around the world- cesta okolo sveta be on one’s way – byť na ceste travel by land/sea/air – cestovať po súši, po mori, vzduchom voyage – cesta po mori alebo […]

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WHY DO YOU TRAVEL? a good way to learn about local traditions, history, culture for work, bussiness, school for vacation for most people – a great hobby TRAVELLING IN THE PAST people usually travelled on horses, by carriages or walked on foot. Later they used bicycles, steam trains or steam ships, ocean liner. TRAVELLING TODAY very popular, […]

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Sport – vocabulary

sport centre/ leisure centre = športové stredisko, centrum voľného času / sportsman – športovec professional – amateur sportsman gymnasium (gym) = telocvičňa changing room – prezliekáreň sneakers – tenisky tracksuit – tepláky sportswear – športové oblečenie competition – súťaž, tournament – turnaj Olympic games – Olympijské hry championship – majstrovstvo take place – zúčastniť sa win – vyhrať lose – prehrať cancel – zrušiť athletics – atletika high jump – skok do […]

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SPORT: physical activity that people do for exercise to keep fit or because they enjoy them. SPORT CAN BE DIVIDED Sport can be divided: ACCORDING TO SEASON summer – swimming, windsurfing, water polo, canoeing, rowing, cycling, football, cricket, golf, athletics, sailing, yachting, cross-country run, winter -skiing, cross country skiing race, sledging, snowboarding, figure skating, speed skating, ice-hockey ACCORDING […]

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Great Britain

Great Britain is situated in the British Isles. Great Britain = England (the capital – London) + Wales (the capital – Cardiff) + Scotland (the capital – Edinghbur) The United Kingdom = Great Britain + Northern Ireland /sometimes is called Ulster/ (the capital- Belfast Nothern Ireland in 1922 the south of Ireland was mase independent from Great Britain and […]

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